January 2022 Sugar Market News

January 2022 Sugar Market News

The Agriculture and Food Authority – Sugar directorate produces a monthly newsletter that gives insight into how the sugar industry performs each month. The major focus is into the local sugar market, foreign trade and the world at large.

During the month of January 2022, total sugarcane crushed by the industry was 691,107 tonnes at a cane: sugar ratio (TC/TS) of 10.66.

In January 2022, total sugar production was 64,839 tonnes compared to 58,044 tonnes produced in January 2021, giving an increase of 11.7%, attributed to improved availability of cane in all sugar zones.

The ex-factory prices ranged between Kshs 4,914-5,500 giving an average of Kshs 5,234. The wholesale price was ranging Kshs 5,300 – 6,500 per 50kg bag and yielded to average price of Kshs 5,900 while 1kilogram retailed at Kshs 130.

Total sugar imports for the month (January 2022) was 18,061 tonnes. On the other hand, CIF value for both sugars averaged Kshs 63,700/tonne.

According to an Australian analyst, world sugar production is projected to increase by 2% to 188.98 mln tonnes raw value, while consumption was projected at 188.66 mln tonnes raw value, up 1.3% on 2021/22.

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