Call for Papers - The Sugar Industry Innovation Symposium 2023

Call for Papers - The Sugar Industry Innovation Symposium 2023

The Agriculture and Food Authority-Sugar Directorate is delighted to invite you to submit your research papers and presentations for the upcoming Sugar Industry Innovation Symposium, themed "Towards Self-Sufficiency." The event will convene key stakeholders, experts, policymakers, researchers, innovators, and industry players from the global sugar sector to address the pressing challenges and opportunities facing the industry in Kenya. This symposium aims to foster collaborations, knowledge exchange, and exploration of innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by the Kenyan sugar industry while paving the way towards a more self-sufficient and sustainable sugar industry.

Thematic Areas

  • Improving value for the smallholder sugarcane farmer
  • Unlocking soil potential for improved sugarcane productivity
  •  Modern milling technologies in the sugar industry
  • Adoption of mechanization to improve efficiency
  • Leveraging digital innovations in the sugar industry
  • Sugar value chain financing
  • Climate change resilience and mitigation

Important Dates

  1. Abstracts Submission Deadline: 15th October 2023
  2. Notification of Acceptance: 30th October 2023
  3. Symposium Dates: 5th – 7th December  2023

Important Information and Submission Guidelines

  1. Abstracts should be submitted electronically in PDF format via email to The subject line should read "Sugar Industry Innovation Symposium 2023.”
  2. The abstract should contain the title, name of author(s), correspondent email address, telephone contact, institutional affiliation(optional) and thematic area being addressed.
  3. The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words; use Times New Roman, font size 12 and single space.
  4. Qualified authors/innovators will be notified and invited to submit their full papers for presentation during the 2nd Annual Sugar Industry Innovation Symposium.
  5. The symposium will have exhibition opportunities available to individuals, organizations and institutions. For more details on the exhibitions and partnerships, contact the planning committee through email address
  6. For detailed information about the thematic areas and innovation categories, please refer to the symposium website


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