Sugarcane Eye Spot

Sugarcane Eye Spot


  • Symptoms are minute water-soaked spots that usually occur on young leaves
  • Typical mature eyespot symptoms are characterized by a reddish-brown elliptical lesion (0.5–4.0 mm long, 0.5–2.0 mm wide) with yellowish-brown margins.
  • Reddish-brown to yellowish-brown streaks, sometimes called "runners," extend upward from individual lesions toward the leaf tip.
  • These streaks are 3–6 mm wide and 30–90 cm long. Multiple lesions can be extensive.  
  • The runners occur only in cooler temperatures and are not present in hotter temperatures. The runners are the results of tissue damage caused by a toxin produced by the pathogen.


  • The only practical and efficient method for controlling eye spot disease is the use of resistant sugarcane clones. 
  • Resistant clones can be grown without losses, even in environments that favor eye spot disease. 
  • Chemical control using foliar fungicides is not practical.

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